Remigio Ferrara Named Among DC’s Top Mortgage Professionals

I am honored to be featured as one of the Washingtonian’s Top Mortgage Professionals in their April 2021 edition. Thank You to all my clients, realtors and referrals partners, family, and friends for your continued trust and confidence in me and my incredible team! This wouldn’t have been possible without you. Remigio Ferrara Named Among […]
Time to Make the Leap? Rent or Own… You Decide
Owning a home has several advantages over renting. The financial benefits can help you achieve your long-term goals and can only be experienced by making the leap to home ownership. Renting Tax Advantages: n/a Investment: n/a Inflation Protection: n/a Security: n/a Owning Tax Advantages: Tax deductions can lower your monthly payment by up to 20% or […]
Make The Dream of Homeownership Reality
Our Mission: Partnering with Real Estate Professionals At McLean Mortgage Corporation, we know that your utmost concern is to make sure your clients are well cared for. We have developed systems that deliver on-time closing time and time again. As a matter of fact, in 2012 we closed over $1.5 billion in transactions. And while […]
Save Cash and Get A Maximum Deduction for Your Mortgage Payment
McLean Mortgage Corporation Presents Mortgage Insurance Eliminator. What if your lender was willing to pay your mortgage insurance costs? What would that mean to you? There’s no cost up-front to you You eliminate any non-deductible insurance costs. For a limited time only McLean Mortgage is offering reduced costs on the Mortgage Insurance Eliminator. This price […]
Is Your Buyer Purchasing a New Home?
Purchasing a home is an exciting adventure for buyers. We know that the mortgage portion of this process is more complicated than ever. McLean Mortgage Corporation and I understand this and strive to make the home-buying process easy and enjoyable for your buyers. McLean Mortgage Corporation has many loan options available. Our goal is to […]
Purchasing a New Home or Refinancing Your Current Home?
Whether you are purchasing a new home, refinancing your current mortgage, or using your home equity to help build your dreams, McLean Mortgage Corporation and I will provide the professional, efficient and courteous service your deserve. With so many loan options available, we will help you select the best loan option for your financing needs. […]
What Does Sequestration Mean?
Only in America would we desecrate the English language to find a word to describe what our government is up to. Yes, March 1 is the official sequestration date. But don’t expect the government to declare the next Federal Holiday to be “Sequestration Day.” Here are a couple of points about this word. First of […]
FHA Fees Going Up
April 1. That is the date set by FHA to raise mortgage insurance premiums again. If you are thinking about purchasing a home, moving now would make sense with rates rising and FHA set to raise premiums. This increase will cost the average FHA borrower more than $150 per year and those who purchase homes […]
Why Are Interest Rates Rising?
This is a question that is being asked all across America. For many market analysts, the recent increase in interest rates is no surprise. Why is that? The Federal Reserve Board has done everything it can in the past five years to keep rates low so that we can heal from our severe recession and […]
Recent Flooding Underscores Need for Disaster Planning
The recent flooding that impacted the eastern seaboard and particularly in Fairfax County underscores the need for everyone to be prepared should disaster strike. Being prepared for natural disasters—floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes—is the best way to protect yourself and your family. When a natural disaster is imminent, you’ll have to act quickly, so it’s […]