McLean Mortgage Corporation Presents Mortgage Insurance Eliminator.
What if your lender was willing to pay your mortgage insurance costs? What would that mean to you?
- There’s no cost up-front to you
- You eliminate any non-deductible insurance costs.
For a limited time only McLean Mortgage is offering reduced costs on the Mortgage Insurance Eliminator. This price is too low to advertise. Call for more information.
Let us cover your mortgage insurance
The Mortgage Insurance Eliminator Program enables McLean Mortgage to cover mortgage insurance payments on your behalf. Because interest is tax deductible for primary residences and second homes, this means you are able to take advantage of maximum tax deductions* while you minimize the cash you will need to purchase a home.
If you are putting less than 20% down on a conventional loan, you must pay for mortgage insurance coverage that protects lenders against default. Mortgage insurance payments may or may not be tax deductibel* and/or may require significant cash upfront.